Terrain Editor

This simple terrain editor is written in TypeScript and uses WebGL 2.0 for visualization. It features multiple different brushes for modifying the height map, painting additional diffuse/albedo maps, as well as placing trees (whose positions can be exported as a JSON file). The main feature is the erosion system (featuring a shallow water simulation for small rivers), which is an implementation of the technique proposed in “Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU” by Mei et al. (2007). The project was created in collaboration with Peter Berweiler. Peter implemented most of the TypeScript related functionality and did most of the brushes. All the rendering aspects of the application were my responsibility. The erosion system was prototyped by Peter and later fully implemented by me.

You can try out a live demo at: https://peterberweiler.github.io/ITA-Project/